How to cancel Lalamove Booking: Easy Steps

What if my customer is not responding?

What if I need to cancel the booking because I can’t make it to her place?

Is it possible for me to cancel the booking?

Well, sometimes there are unavoidable circumstances where you need to cancel the booking as much as you want to do it.

Yes, there is a way to do this right.

Steps on how to cancel Lalamove booking

  1. Go to your Lalamove app look for the booking you want to cancel.
  2. Write the order number because you will be using this later on.
  3. Click on the “Help” button on the upper right and go for a live chat with an agent. Be patient because this might take few moments.
  4.  Provide all the information the customer service might be asking you, then give them the order number you wrote a while ago.
  5. The agent will validate you reason and cancel the order on their part. 
  6. Go to your dashboar, refresh, and you’ll see that the book was successfully cancelled.

Lalamove app for riders has no cancellation button, so you can’t do it instantly with your own.

You need to call the customer service to validate your reason and do it for you.

When to cancel a booking?

  • If the customer isn’t responding, you can have it cancelled.
  • If the customer provided incomplete information regarding the pick-up and drop-off of the item, you have the right to cancel.
  • If the customer takes too long to show up at the pick-up point, you can ask the customer service to cancel the booking.
  • If the customer is not replying, just cancel the order.

There are no cancellation fees if an Order is cancelled and communicated within sixty (60) minutes of the Order pickup time.

If the cancellation is made after the Order pickup time has begun, the User will be charged the Standard Transport Fee as specified in Section 3.1.

If the booking seems to be a scam or the customer is not cooperating with the process, you are free to contact Lalamove’s customer service representative to check the transaction and have it cancelled.


You see, cancelling a Lalamove booking isn’t as easy as it needs to be.

You just need to follow everything we’ve written in this guide!

Feel free to share this info with your friends and family too.

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